Down the hallway, down the stairs. Out the north end of the lobby. Down the red brick path to the maintenance storage shed on the edge of Red Square.
The shed door was open and the light inside seemed to exude warmth into the cold morning. Stars sparked dimly against the pale blue horizon. Eric peered inside were a handful of people were drinking coffee and generally getting ready for the day. One man had a map out and was talking to a women in grungy overalls. Assuming that this personality was Mr. Gransley, Eric approached the pair.
They continued with their conversation for a while, but the man stopped, “Hold on a second Elaine, I think this young man wants to talk.” They paused for a second looking at Eric. He was staring at the map still feeling groggy. “Well go ahead son.”
“Uh.. I’m Eric Hunter. One of Master Brown’s apprentices. She said something about me working for you.”
The man slapped Eric on the back. Not expecting it, he collided with the table. “Your Janelle’s boy, Eric. She says you’re a trouble maker.” The man laughed. “Don’t worry. I am too. Why don’t you grab yourself some coffee and I get you started after I get things set up with Elaine.”
Eric nodded. Shuffled off to the far wall, not really knowing where the coffee machine was. Besides Elaine and one other college girl, the rest of the crew were men. And Hispanic, Eric noticed. Suddenly ill at ease Eric hugged his bag to his chest and leaned against the wall. Avoiding eye contact. Hispanics didn’t bother Eric. But he was so privileged and… It was stupid. He shouldn’t think about it. He should be friendly and meet his co-workers, but he was tired anyway. Eric let his consciousness slip away while chattering voices and waking birds filled his hearing.
Mr. Gransley tapped him on the shoulder. “Good nap?”
“Wha?” Eric coughed a little urging his psyche to alertness. The birds were quieting down and most of the people had vacated the shed. He really had fallen asleep.
Mr. Gransley chuckled, “Bit early for ya?” He chuckled again. Eric made a vague affirmative noise. “Alright, You’re going to work with Jorge trimming bushes. He’ll show you what to do.”
Jorge handed Eric a pair of hedge-trimmers, “Hey man this stuff is easy. You’ll get it right away.” Jorge’s English was flawless. His accent only served to add interest to his voice.
Eric took the trimmers and followed Jorge out of the shed. The sky was now full of light that was sharply slanting into his airs. The cold air felt pleasant now.
“You work here long?”
“Yeah, well couple of years so far. I’m working part time, going to school part time. Makes it all take longer, you know?”
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