Sunday, September 28, 2008

tragedy and flowers

So a couple of days ago I left the rat cage open so the guys could poke their heads out. I've done this before and sometimes they will climb to the top of their cage, but they never try to take off so I feel secure letting them have the door open. This time, however, there where some deadly consequences, which I discovered the next time I came to water my plants...

If you'll notice, there are two small stems in the front of the pot that used to be vibrant seedlings as well as the deleafed nasturtium. I think I might get some wheat grass to keep on that window seal for them (it's right behind their cage).

On another note, Max and I made a painting together. He painted some of the background leaves and the top petal on lower flower. The imprecise nature of brushwork frustrated him so I finished his flower for him.


BipolarBunny said...

Putting in wheat grass is a good idea. Or some catnip. Or any herb really. I have bunnies and they do their fair share of nibbling.

allie aller said...

From the title I though something might have happened to the rats! Sorry about the seedlings, though.

Love the painting...the part about Max was funny, too.